social2s v4

$19.00 Yearly

  • First Year $35.00

Social2s is a Joomla Plugin to display and link your website with the most popular social networks (twitter, facebook, pinterest, linkedin, google+, G+1, tumblr, vk and opengraph).

There are lots of Joomla plugins that do that. So why Social2s is special?

Social2s doesn't load external javascript if not needed, and only loads the required javascript. Say goodbye to load hundreds of unnecessary scripts and say hello to faster web. In our tests, the load times are a 200% faster than regular social plugins. PRO: if you are in the European Union, this is important to you. The recently aproved EU Cookie Law forces users to accept cookies before loading. With Social2s you can activate the cookies check and enforce the law. Moreover, once users have accepted the cookies, no more disturb (until the cookie expires).